About MFL’s Facilitators

The universe operates with motions and transformations. We are beings of motion; when we move our bodies, we allow for a deeper connection to arise, becoming more energy and less matter. Our frequencies change with conscious dance practice and I have witnessed this phenomenon within me, and within the people I have taught. Let’s choose movement over inertia.

Laura Penn

Guest Teacher in MFL Mentorship

My journey into Movement for Life began in 2020. It was a pivotal year for the world in so many different ways… For me, it was a time of taking stock, igniting change, and welcoming transformation. My introduction to MFL through the facilitator training program, couldn’t have come at a better time. My body was aching for release.
As the course progressed, I began to change on a cellular level. Something woke up, shifted, and expanded. My inner dancer, buried for over 25 years under the debris of contracted muscles, limited thinking and reckless neglect, came back to life. This rebirth fueled enormous creativity and dynamic energy in all aspects of my life. My career, my relationships and everything I touched, were ignited with new vigor. I became a better version of myself.
Today, I am humbled and deeply honored to have been given the privilege of being a Guest Teacher for this year’s cohort of MFL facilitator trainees. I teach this outstanding group how to embody their presence and power. I support them to deepen their learning so that they too can transform on a cellular level and emerge as their authentic selves…wise, liberated and soaring.

Daisy Yesenia

MFL Facilitator & Gisela’s Personal Assistant

I completed the Teacher Training from Movement For Life in July 2021.
I’m a Movement Facilitator and currently MFL 1 year Mentorship assistant.
I love Movement for life because it gave my power and self-confidence back. I used to have so much insecurities, fear, self-sabotage and now I’m clear and aware of my mission and genius.
When I move my body with awareness and intention, I feel connected with the most accepting powerful loving self. I discover that the lover archetype is one of my secret strengths. As a child I already loved to dance, and now I have the blessing to share my healing passion to help others. One of my favourite subjects is inspiring people to connect with themselves, allowing emotional intelligence and the ability to express. Movement For Life is not just a regular dance therapy it’s a way of living.

Maria Jesus Campos

MFL Facilitator

I am Maria Jesus Campos, a Successful Investor, an Inspired Mom, a Powerful Latina Woman and a Health Warrior. I Completely Beat an autoimmune disease that I was sentenced to die from it. Now I dedicate my Life to support people like you, to reclaim their right to live healthy and full energized. As an Investor in Human Transformation, I walk with you step by step, to Live in Your own Best Version of your SELF-HEALTH and WEALTH. Using the Power medicine of Movement For Life you can Heal from the Past, Feel and Connect with the Now and be ready to flow to the future you Dream. If you want to dive into the creation of the Best Version of yourself connect with me or follow.

Noemi Wildmann

MFL Facilitator & Team Member

Noemi has an unwavering passion for intuitive dancing and conscious movement.

She supports people to rediscover their authentic selves by using the power of their bodies. Through her guide and embodiment practice, she aims to create a profound sense of connection and empower you to embrace their uniqueness. She believes that as human beings, we can learn to navigate our emotions in a healthy way, and using the body as a tool is key in this process. She is a mother of a 4 year old.

Naveen Shamsudhin

MFL Facilitator and Team Member

Naveen is passionate about creating and co-holding spaces for embodied transformational learning for leadership, creativity and systems change (see Kaleido, Humane Warriors, SOMAgination). He is a former university lecturer and researcher and supports MFL with his movement facilitation, spaceholding, culinary and technology skills.

Anja Maria Gallagher-Syfrig

MFL Facilitator

Anja was a professional dancer and works as artistic director of an interdisciplinary dance theatre company that produces works for a young audience. At the same time she is a holistic therapist and a mom of two teenage boys. In Gisela’s method Movement for life she found a way to combine both, her passions for the healing arts and dance. She is excited to explore the method further and apply it in her women’s seminars or on anyone else who would like to discover more about themselves.

Tara Sinniger

MFL Facilitator

I have been working with Gisela and MFL since 2019 – in workshops, retreats, 1:1 training and then graduated as a Movement Facilitator myself in 2021. I am part of the team ever since and I love to be of service on this beautiful journey. Dancing has been a fundamental part of who I am ever since I was a little girl. In the last five years, I discovered the beauty of movement therapy and want to help bring its healing powers and magic to people around the world. I want to create a safe space where one can express oneself freely by immersing fully into music, exchanging ideas, being vulnerable, healing traumas, releasing stuck emotions, and discovering new sides to oneself. My goal is to empower people with my empathy and to (re)connect them to themselves, to their bodies, and to life.

Marjan Janssens

MFL Facilitator

My name is Marjan Janssens, Dutch from origin. I am one of Gisela’s students since 2020 and graduated as a Movement facilitator in June. I love what we can achieve through Movement for body, mind and soul. It heals people, and it heals me and I love that I can now contribute to betterment of the world as one of the facilitators.

Deniz Erkus

MFL Facilitator

Deniz Erkus, CFA, is a former corporate warrior with 27 years of solid international experience. She is an impact investment catalyst and influencer. Deniz supports significant impact and sustainability projects, such as ocean ecology, fintech, innovation, and health. 
Deniz’s purpose is to merge finance and investments with impact, mindset, and movement. Obtaining her Conscious Facilitator Diploma transformed her into a new person, with self-love, power, and femininity. Currently in the Advanced Facilitator Program with “Movement for Life,” she aims to support women in finding their agency and healing. Deniz believes that creating healthy communities on purpose can positively impact our planet and humanity. 
Deniz loves travelling, exploring new cultures, cooking, raw vegan food, walking, spinning, cold water healing and yoga. She is most proud of her daughter’s contribution to the environment by volunteering in Asia, Africa and Latin America. 

Alja Petrovic

MFL Facilitator

Movement for Life Facilitator, expert on the field of Dance, sports personal development and Movement.
Alja finished the Modern Dance School in Ljubljana – Slovenia in 2008. Her path continued to the Faculty of Sports where she finished her Masters degree on Movement therapy with disabled children. This propelled her to teach young children how to move and be the best versions of themselves in a Private Kindergarten until 2016. In 2016 she moved to Switzerland to pursue her dream. In the years of 2018-2019 she met Gisela Rocha and assisted her within The Mahima Mindset Breakthrough Weekends, on Movement therapy, holding space for Personal growth Workshops and development. She discovered that there is more in her and continued with the Teacher Training under Gisela Rocha mentorship program. She completed the Certification for Movement for Life 1 year training. She is now a certified Movement for Life Facilitator. Her expertise is very valued and she teaches Movement in Personal Growth Companies like The Mahima Mindset and supports MFL with Gisela Rocha. ‘’I always loved dancing; I was born with it. Now, dance represents something deeper and more profound to me. The connection to soul, body, spirit, movement. The Personal Development journey gave me purpose WHY I dance, WHY I move, WHY I LIVE. The feeling of knowing yourself and trusting yourself in what you are best at, is priceless. Embody love, joy, happiness, abundance and more and join me, in my Movement classes. See you on the other, moving side.’’

Leonie Trippel

MFL Facilitator

Leonie’s journey with Movement for Life (MFL) began in late 2020, initially through personal coaching sessions with the renowned Gisela. This foundation set the stage for her subsequent facilitator training, culminating in an advanced level certification in 2023.
Under Gisela’s guidance and with MFL’s invaluable support, she transitioned from a mindset-oriented approach to a more embodied understanding of the world. She learned to leverage the innate power of the body as a daily instrument for achieving peace, empowerment, and luminosity. Today, it is her mission to share these transformative insights and to help others connect deeply with their own bodies – a journey that extends from the breathtaking vistas of the Swiss Alpine region to the far reaches of the globe. She is passionate about helping others overcome their personal limitations and truly owning their voice.
She is profoundly grateful, humbled, and privileged to be living and sharing this ongoing journey of personal growth as an MFL facilitator. Every day brings a new opportunity for self-discovery and empowerment, and it’s an honor to guide others on their own transformative journeys.

Samira Simon

MFL Facilitator

I am a psychologist bacharel by the Federal University of Bahia,  Brazil. I also graduated in body psychology and trauma specialist. 
For 20 years, I have been working with individual and group therapy, giving support to women’s human development. My private interests are art, dance, human spirituality, and also all kind of human creativity attitudes. 

Daniela Augusto

MFL Facilitator

Dancer, performer, choreographer, poet, intuitive, lyrical, musical, and shamanic, I ritualize the processes of healing and creation through artistic languages.  I investigate the somatic, the ancestry, the archetypes, and the visceral to recognize and actualize what I am and what I become. The predominant elements in my Energetic Body-mind are Air, Fire, and Ether with a compassionate presence and receptive to the soul. Co-create the personal mythology that emerges magically and materializes in expressiveness, and performance acts. Certified in Pilates, Gyrokinesis, and Gyrotonic. Graduated in Dance and Post Graduated in Integrative Art, I wrote about Jung’s universe and Gyrokinesis. Facilitator of Movement For Life Brazil.

Jamile Almeida

MFL Facilitator

Jamile is a Brazilian-born artist, psychologist, and therapist. She works as a manager at the Instituto ENTRE: Artes e Terapias. She is a specialist in neuropsychology and organizational psychology. Jamile has a certificate in clinical and community people-centered approach, innovation, and dance therapy. She is a facilitator and co-creator of the Movement For Life/Switzerland in Brazil. She also holds a master’s degree in Expressive Education/ studied in Spain. Daughter of a warrior and elegant woman of staccato actions and a hedonist father of “flow soul”; sister of a net of protection, love, and validation; married to a down-to-earth man of soft presence, the intelligence of high performance, and skilled hands. They have both opposite and complementary natures. Jamile Almeida is a creator and restless soul as well as a facilitator of the personal empowerment of those around her. She is a woman who uses a language that is stronger than itself. In Parashat, her word is a Pekudei which in Hebrew means: collective caregiver and a sweet voice gazelle. She is emotional, sensitive, intuitive, a free heart, flow-lyrical minded, vertical realizations, and horizontal relationships. Her pollen belongs to the world. She is a being who loves, dances, is aware of her aversions and subversions; disposes of an active presence and deep listening, open to love and to feel loved. Music and dance are her elements of basic needs to live in a state of presence.

Ludimila Nunes

MFL Facilitator

I’m a life enthusiast and dancing is one of the ways I express that in the world. I’ve been dancing since I was 5 years old and I’ve been building a trajectory of love and care for myself and my work crossed by this art. I am a Gestalt therapist and a professor of psychology. I am also a holistic therapist with Shamanic Reiki, Theta Healing and Magnified Healing. I perform individual assistance and group experiences with young people and adults for self-knowledge and self-transformation. Moving is creating connections between people, between us and nature, and between unknown places in ourselves.

Maria Az

MFL Facilitator

The movement for life arrived in Brazil for me in an unusual and special way, as a call from soul to soul, dance and mission, a reunion with Gisela Rocha, the first outstanding teacher, when she was still a child. It was a kind of rescue of the love of Dance and its ability to heal. A dynamic and ancestral tool, of praise to creation and physiological and sensorial modifications that we should all practice. Maria Az is a Mother, Artist, Writer, Holistic Therapist. Agent of Dance, Instruction and Healing. It offers ways to Care and Inspire Soul Movement and Self Care. What do you need now? Come on, it’s possible! Dance with me.

Start your Movement for Life journey

Are you ready to invest in your health and your self-empowerment?  It is time to thrive.