for Life

Master Gisela Rocha guides us to a deeper connection with ourselves

A movement-based embodiment practice for personal transformation & healing

I believe we are born stars and meant to shine our light …

Classes & Retreats

Embody yourself and foster more harmony in your life through movement.

Using different Rhythms & Movements, we invite Self-Awareness in Dance for Body-Soul Reconnection, Self-Expression, & Self-Love.
Movement For Life (MFL) was created to inspire people to explore self-expression – the key to freedom. Combining movement, meditation, and the creative arts, this method aims to build a new consciousness, putting emphasis on healing and well-being. With its maps, activations, and principles, MFL works with the body as a tool for transformation and self-liberation, bringing about a flowing body, a vibrant personality, and a new lifestyle. As a method, it is one that is in constant evolution, while consistently raising awareness about the process; as a living organization, it continually invests in the development of its tribe members.

Our Classes


Join our weekly Masterclasses and align your body-mind connection. Learn with Gisela!
More info on our Instagram

Private Classes

Want to work with Gisela? In these one on one sessions you dive deeper and release any trauma or blockage through movement.

12 Months Movement for Life Certification

Want to get to the next level? Choose to work with the best, under Gisela’s mastery, and prepare for life changing experiences.

Only by learning the Art of Personal Transformation & Holding Space for yourself will you learn to be there for others too. Get ready for an illuminated body!

“Feel Harmony in your body and life”

Start your Movement for Life journey

Are you ready to invest in your health and your self-empowerment?  It is time to thrive.